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Michael Dardanes
May 9, 20183 min read
Thinking about a yoga practice?
When I started practicing yoga asana (the movements and poses), I knew two things: I was going to be terrible at it and I was going to...
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Michael Dardanes
Nov 26, 20172 min read
Discipline is a Cardinal Virtue
Vivekendanda, the 19th century mystic said, “Character is repeated habits, and repeated habits alone can reform character.” If you haven’t t
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Brynn Byrne
Nov 24, 20174 min read
Now Really is the Best Time
There was a period of years in my 20's where I had become more conscious of the choices and habits that I created as a teenager. It was
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Brynn Byrne
Nov 14, 20174 min read
Why I Choose Discipline Part 1/6 of a Healthy Holiday Blog
The apple never really strays far from the tree. It seems that when a person has a total awakening and redefines EVERYTHING they think they
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